We (almost) have a backyard, finally!!!Two years…..digging through miles of honeysuckle, taking out a ramp, dismantling two huge planters in the center of the yard, removing two trees (Katrina causalities), building side gardens, moving the soil into them, unearthing a surprise brick patio (former backstreet?), repairing a fence (Cindy causality), digging up heavy steel rods, moving sod around to preserve it, digging up brick pavers, and heaven knows what else…
There is still soil to move (see mound on left). The fence on the right is the one Paul (re)built. The one of the left is the horrible post-K fence built by chain-smoking idiots who left trash all over our yard each day. (Grumblegrumblegrumble.) Now just picture that lean-to turned into an addition coming out of the back of the house another 5 feet and having a second story! *dreamy sigh*
The picture above is the outbuilding. Pretty rough looking, eh? And this is it’s good side!
PS: See the little electrical box on the edge of the outbuilding on the right? Will got stung by something out there earlier this week. Poor little trooper.
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