The source of all illness…

… is children under the age of 5.

We spent Friday afternoon volunteering in the toddler room at Abeona. The afternoon teacher has a respiratory infection and needs a tonsilectomy; the morning teacher is also un-well. So parents are filling in the gaps as Emmy trains official subs. I took a 3-6 pm shift and Paul agreed to come and do some work around the property and be another deck-on-hand. It was no problem, we had a lot of fun… and left in solid agreement that whatever we pay preschool teachers is absolutely not enough. I thought a day of multiple linear regression and hierarchal modeling could drive a person to speak in tongue. Ha. A room full of tiny kids can bring that out in 15 minutes.

After an unusually fussy night (Kate was still out of sort from her shots, Will was very restless) everyone seemed okay this morning. Will and Paul gave me the morning to rest and went off to the Saturday Market to pick up our knives, hear some live music, and eat popsiscles. They stopped off for some nonperishables at the Evil Empire before coming home to eat a solid lunch before naptime.

Will was a different boy after naptime. Feverish, cuddly, out-of-sorts, tired, no appetite. He had a few perky moments through the afternoon, enough to thoroughly confuse us on the true state of his health. Now he is asleep, breathing in wisps of vapor, Tylenol and Sudafed fighting it out in his tummy. Tomorrow is his first music class for the fall, so we’re really hoping he feels better in the morning.Paul and I are achy and sore. Kate seems to be the only one operating at near-normal. She grunted out two gorpuls tonight and is showing us her pride by being a Very Happy Baby.

I know that it is likely we were all harboring the starts of something (allergens are everywere right now) — but I can’t help but wonder if exposure to young children is what pushed us over the edge? Little buggers.