Weight: 15 pounds, 9 ounces (75%)
Height: 24 1/2 inches* (25-50%)
Head Circumference: 42.5cm (75%)
Two immunizations: DPT and IPV
Mom and Dad: flu shots!
Report: Beautiful, well-proportioned, happy, strong. She’s a keeper!*Her height was actually shorter than last month, probably due to measurement error. The current measure is more consistent with her growth curve.
Amy Lee | 08-Oct-06 at 6:43 am | Permalink
Holly-Brayden has his two month apppointment next week (Friday the 13th…what was I thinking?). Do you have any suggestions for how to reduce the discomfort from all the shots? Some people have recommended Tylenol before and after, and I remember you and Gwen talking about nursing for comfort. Hopefully, Kevin will be able to go with us so he can console me while I console Brayden…
Holly | 08-Oct-06 at 9:34 pm | Permalink
Breastfeeding does seem to have some sort of analgestic property. (See: http://www.kellymom.com/health/illness/bf-analgesia.html
I used to nurse Will during immunizations and it worked like a charm… until that awful nurse got at him. It was easy with our Michigan set-up since we had to wait in an exam room for the nurse to come in with the needles. In NOLA, we go directly into the doc’s office and she gives the shots directly. So there isn’t really time to get Kate settled in and eating. But she’s been fine. This past visit, she cried out but calmed down right away. I’d ask your doc — it sounds like he’s been around the block long enough to really have some experiencial knowledge!