Kate was in a fantastic mood last night. So much so, that we paused Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind to focus on enjoying her for awhile.
Following my obsession, the camera came out. It was a challenge: night setting, low-light, infant subject.
I did a couple of different things, but found that what worked best was using a folded piece of notebook paper over the flash on a full-flash setting. At least, I think this is what worked best.
These pictures include a couple of different settings — I tried just about everything I could think of to compare how the camera would handle the light and movement. ISOs vary, as does use and type of flash.
I’m learning a little more each day!
Is this girl fun or what?!
{ 2006 10 01 }
eli | 02-Oct-06 at 3:49 pm | Permalink
Have you been taking a class or just playing with the camera appertures?
I am trying to learn how to use my Nikon D50 Digital SLR. I was pretty well versed in my old OMG SLR (c.1970s) which I loved and took some fabulous photos with but the transition has been harder than I expected. Any insight?
BTW, Kate and Will are the most photogenic cuties!
Holly | 02-Oct-06 at 4:44 pm | Permalink
I’ve never had a photography class. I seem to be best with photojournalism-type photography and not so great with posed photos, landscapes, etc. Our camera is a Canon Digital Rebel and I’m in love… I can’t leave the house without it. I didn’t really have a strong appreciation for photography until I had kids. Taking decent pictures, especially of kids, is seriously tough!
Like everything I do (piano, painting, drawing, etc.) I’m low on trained technique but high on artsy gut. A piano teacher once told me that I play with the heart and soul of a virtuoso, but have the technique of an amateur. This is pretty much right on the mark. I try to take pictures that have the same balance and composure as something I would paint or stage… the little background I have in visual art definitely guides how I look through the lense.