Happy 20th Birthday, LCM!
The Louisiana Children’s Museum celebrated it’s 20th birthday on Saturday. Totally by accident, we were there.We decided to go to the museum for our morning outing with the kids. When we checked in, we noted 4 birthday party sign-ins (members use party rooms and have free admission for guests.) Still, it was early and we enjoyed a few of the exhibits without much of crowd. Will and Paul gave the nightly news report on local TV (above).
And Will went shopping in the Little Save-A-Center. His purchases: laundry detergent, a lobster, a crab, hamburger, sausage, crackers, and shrimp pot pie. Definitely our NOLA kid!
Kate watched it all, sitting cool in Will’s Superman shades.
Will and Paul had a fun time in the bubble maker — it was early enough in the morning that the juice was big-bubble-worthy.
It was around the bubble makers that I noticed a staff member giving a press photographer a tour of the center (the photographer took some pictures of Will with the bubbles.) Then I remembered … today was full of special events at the Museum! No wonder it seemed to be filling up (fast) with kids and adults! A few minutes later, the announcement came through regarding live music in the little theatre. Live music?! We were THERE.
No other than Theresa Anderson was performing! Live music is good anywhere. But this is New Orleans. And this was Theresa Anderson. It was FANTASTIC.
The kids had a blast and the adults jammed for all we were worth. Too cool! LCM had live music lined up all day, plus ice cream, give-aways, and even a Second Line.
After Theresa’s performance, we headed to the door to get home for naptime. We just barely missed the huge crowd gathering to get into the museum — whew! (Will needed to nap in order to be ready for Aya’s birthday party in the afternoon, so we had to leave before noon.) We scored 20th anniversary t-shirts for Will and Paul along with free books for the kids before leaving LCM.