The Bumbo is the much-loved babysitter, adored by my friend, Gwen, whose opinion I trust implictly. It is now widely considered THE must-have baby item. It was unknown to us prior to Kate, making it one of our baby items not previously tested on Will. We reluctantly admit that, at least for us, and at least for right now, the Bumbo is not a very popular item.
It’s best use (to date) has been as a photography tool. Kate definitely sits unsupported in it… for about 5 minutes. Then she begins to throw her arms back (see above) and can actually lift her little butt up from the chair. If it weren’t for the fact that her Michelan baby thighs get stuck in the leg holes, she would easy be able to catapult herself out of the Bumbo.
She also has a sideways manuver where she uses her arms to push out to one side — again, the thighs protect her from landing on her head (or in one of our plates, as we frequently seat her in the Bumbo as our dinner centerpiece.)
So we are left wondering… is Kate simply an errant Bumbo user? An unusually active infant? Is this something that she will outgrow? Inquiring Bumbo-owning parents want to know…
{ 2006 09 20 }
Amy Lee | 20-Sep-06 at 2:46 pm | Permalink
I’ll let you know in a few weeks! Brayden does a good job holding his head up (Kevin is SOOOOOO proud of this), but we’re not quite ready for the Bumbo yet. Like you, I think the thunder thighs will be an unintended safety mechanism! We’ll let you know how it goes! Aunt Amy
Poists | 20-Sep-06 at 4:25 pm | Permalink
I haven’t yet used one and my attraction to it has to go with the sitting the baby on the table for dinner. I want something that encourages some activity, but is sturdy enough that I can converse with my child while doing certain things.
Essentially, the new house has HUGE countertops (wide/deep enough that at 7+ months pregnant I cannot reach across the countertop to open a window) that are conducive to making dinner to one side with the baby in a BUMBO (ideal situation) on the other side watching and passively learning something. I can talk and include my child in everyday activities instead of having to put them off in a bouncy chair or play area while I try to get things done.
OF Course I say all this with 9 weeks til my due date…
Holly | 20-Sep-06 at 5:22 pm | Permalink
The Bumbo absolutely does what it is suppose to do — and if Kate were okay sitting in it, we’d be in love with it. At first we thought we were putting her in it too soon; that she hadn’t built up the strength to hold her head up that long. Maybe that still is an issue (she’s only 4 months old?) But it’s freaking us out that she is trying to THROW herself out of it with all her might — which is really saying something! We are trying to figure out if this is a common phenomenon or something particular to Kate.
Lindsay | 20-Sep-06 at 5:37 pm | Permalink
I have one too! It is that extra arm that I’m still waiting to grow. 🙂
Eventually their squirming will stop and they’ll stay put in the seat. With weight requirements or when they’ll outgrow it – from what I read on our box, they seat is good until the child reaches 22 lbs. My thought though, once they’re mobile, they’ll be no stopping them!
Laura | 20-Sep-06 at 5:37 pm | Permalink
I just have a question about the Bumbo. Are they okay for development purposes to use. I’m sure they are, otherwise you and Gwen wouldn’t be using it, but I’m just curious. Since I am not a mother, I’ve really had no reason to research what seems to be the “it” baby item to have.
Holly | 20-Sep-06 at 6:38 pm | Permalink
In my opinion, the Bumbo is very, very well designed. Perhaps perfectly designed, actually. It’s very light, yet firmly grips any surface. It’s completely washable (she’s blown out at least two diapers in it, so we know this one first hand). And it works — Kate honestly sits in it.
Our issue is that after a few minutes, she tries to launch herself OUT of it. Con gusto.
I’m hoping she’ll grow out of it and wonder if other kids have a similar penchant for trying to toss themselves on the floor. She’s like a suicidal fish trying to leap out of it’s bowl. The bummer is, that when she’s in it, I can really interact with her while still playing with Will — for example, having her on the table while we do an art project or bake something in the kitchen or pull weeds outside. Nothing else that I’ve found is as portable and will work in so many surfaces so easily.
Anonymous | 21-Sep-06 at 6:37 am | Permalink
No seat belt? 😉
Grandpa George
Gwen | 21-Sep-06 at 11:12 am | Permalink
that’s so sad!!!
we took clare’s seat EVERYWHERE with her…we went out to eat, she sat on the table, when we first fed her foods that was her highchair…when we got ready in the am, she’d sit in that…
we didn’t get it till clare was about 5 months and used it non stop from then on out…
they’ve got high resale value on craigslist…you could try and get rid of it there if it’s not working out and probably get most of your money back.
Elizabeth | 21-Sep-06 at 11:47 am | Permalink
Holly, James did the same thing, but actually it was when he was a bit older and ready to get out and try to explore on his own – but the other thought is that maybe she isn’t ready for it. Maybe she doesn’t like to be sitting up just yet. In some baby books I read, they said that a child would “let you know” when they were ready to sit up (whatever that means), so maybe she is trying to say she wants out 🙂 I think it is a great product and one that you will definitely enjoy – maybe give her a few weeks and try again!! Good luck, she is so cute!!
Holly | 21-Sep-06 at 12:16 pm | Permalink
The Bumbo is definitely a “save it for Boy and Emily.” I wish that Kate was more into it! It would be a huge help.
She does seem to like to stand more than sit, maybe she’ll get more into sitting as she gets older. She’s such a good baby that maybe this is the one thing she’s found that she can use to truly drive me crazy.