The kids have been seriously getting their party on lately. Friday night, faculty hosted a party for the doctoral students (aka: meet the fresh meat night). Wednesday, car trouble lead to a fun impromptu party for Aya (Will’s amor). And last night, Eva hosted doctoral students again for a dinner party (Happy Guatemalan Independence Day!)Celebrating Aya’s birthday on Wednesday gave us an opportunity to give her the birthday present we had for her (harmonica and recorder sets). I was nervous that Will would get confused and think it was for him. Was I wrong! He saw the package and before anyone could say a word, grabbed it and brought it to Aya saying, “Surprise, Aya! Happy Birthday! Present for YOU!” Even more impressive, once open, they happily shared the harmonica and recorder with no fighting whatsoever. The rest of the night they marched around playing in a “parade.” What totally awesome kids. Kate was enthralled.
{ 2006 09 15 }
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