We woke up Sunday morning and decided to take Will to see the sharks. We weren’t going to let the deluge falling from the sky stop us! We were bold. We got the kids through the rain to the car and drove downtown.
Only to turn around when, after 15 minutes of walking through the Hilton Hotel, realized we couldn’t get from their parking garage to Riverwalk and the Aquarium without going up or down 4 different sets of stairs with Kate’s stroller. (The Hilton lot is one of the only places to park that is validated by the Aquarium.) Screw it, we said, ticked off that Hilton Hotel doesn’t have to follow ADA compliance rules, but Abeona House can’t open until it has a handicap ramp and wheelchair access to a bathroom.
We explained to Will that the sharks were closed due to the rain. Rain, rain, go away, we said. Then we came up with the idea of going to the Children’s Museum. Will was thrilled at the suggestion. Two minutes later, we were outside the doors of the Museum… which were locked, because it was closed. Damn.
Trying to redeem ourselves, we tried to talk up the fun of going home, making forts, and — wow — eating lunch inside the fort! Will was so impressed by our offer that he promptly fell asleep.
Three hours later, Will woke up from his nap. The first words out of his mouth were: “It’s not raining. Go see sharks.”
So for the second time that day, we set off for the Aquarium. This is Will watching one of the divers feed the fish in the “walk through” tank.
Visiting his friend the moray eel. I have a picture of Will at this display when he was about 14 months old. Apparently, the fun of watching the eel pop out extends into several age groups.
Checking out the otters. In this picture, Will happens to be watching otter-butt.
Petting a SHARK. Whoa.
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