Someone DOES live here!
Since returning Tuesday, we’ve been busy folk. Paul’s kept to the grindstone with work, Nana Nancy has won huge gold stars for keeping Will entertained (no small feat), and I’ve done my damnest to vie for the title of Domestic Goddess (while keeping Kate happy).
The microwave and toaster oven have been disassembled and cleaned. They shine like the top of the Chrysler building. Furniture has been moved… in some cases, three times… all through the house. We’ve hung curtains on 5 windows (although two of those still need work… one has a cafe that needs a bar and the other I didn’t hem short enough, oops.) And we put a few pictures back up on the walls in the front room. The Master bedroom has a dust ruffle. Kate’s crib is put together. Will has a bed. There is a carpet on our bedroom floor. Things sort of match in some of the rooms. The house is starting to look more like a home and less like a construction zone. Like people actually LIVE here. Whoa.