The Louisiana Children’s Museum re-opened this weekend!
Not only did they re-open, but for the weekend, they re-opened for free. Plus, we learned there was a special Dr. Seuss exhibit for children ages 3 and under… we were there.
We found out about this exciting event from a staff member that Paul met while standing in line at Whole Foods yesterday afternoon. Apparently, lots of other folks must have been in line, too, because the place was PACKED. It was incredibly overwhelming… especially with Kate in tow. But it didn’t stop Will from checking the place out and us from pulling out the cameras.
The Dr. Seuss exhibit was a big hit. (Due to the volume of people, we stuck to this area almost exclusively.) Will spent a lot of time trying to pick up Horton’s egg (above.)
He also pondered the age old question: “Would you, could you, on a boat?”
We loved the museum. Incredible craft activities, play areas, learning exhibits about fitness, health, journalism, New Orleans history, the senses, and more. Definitely worth looking into a family membership.
Will also had a good time meeting the Cat in the Hat. Will was so fond of Mr. Cat that he planted a big kiss on his cheek. But so much for what we thought was recognition. We were just thankful to be out of ear-shot when Will waved back at Mr. Cat and called out “Bye, Snoopy!”