WHY must everything be a struggle??
We’ve started having nursing problems. I’ve been slowly coming to the realization — despite my hesitance in pumping and careful control of expression — that I’m making too much milk and have problems with forceful let down. Kate has been struggling (particularly on one side) for the last couple of days. Last night was a terrible cycle of poor nursing and upset tummy — classically described here. With Will, I pumped for hours and hours for months — MONTHS! — crying, depressed, miserable, desperate to make enough and never coming close. I have another pregnancy and see my greatest dream — a vaginal birth — disappear. But I can be okay this time, because I can actually nurse. Now, it’s clear I’m going to have to fight this time, too. I’m about to loose my mind.
Jennifer | 23-May-06 at 12:28 pm | Permalink
Hi Holly – I get to your blog from Gwen’s. I wanted to comment to your post because this exact same thing happened to me with my baby, Alex. It was so frustrating. I tried all of the suggestions I could find, but the only thing that truly helped was Alex getting older. By the time he was 3 months old, he could handle all that milk – it even got funny because he would chug so fast and furious. But, it took a while for me to find the experience funny. It was so difficult in the beginning. I actually cried when Alex took a bottle of pumped milk at 6 weeks so easily and for 20 minutes, when he would only stay on my breast for 5 minutes tops and then be hungry an hour later. Anyway, I can relate – but, I promise it will get better!
Holly | 23-May-06 at 2:37 pm | Permalink
Thanks, Jennifer, for your story!
I’m struggling with martyrdom here… why is it that I must face down every possible problem? If any other complications arise, I have serious concerns about my sanity.
Amy | 23-May-06 at 3:22 pm | Permalink
Holly-If anyone can conquer this (these!) challenge(s), it’s YOU! Wish I had some wise advice, but…well, maybe in a few months (August) I’ll know more from my own experiences! Hang in there, Amy
Violet | 24-May-06 at 4:27 am | Permalink
Holly, hang in there, this going to get better. You are a hormonal train wreck right now, and it will take a few more weeks for your body to get it all sorted out. Kate will be FINE–Dom choked and coughed his way through the first 4 weeks or so of nursing and the only thing that happened is that we was HUGE. But happy.
Violet | 24-May-06 at 5:33 am | Permalink
Oops, I meant that HE was huge, but, in retrospect, I was probably right the first time, given the amount of weight I gained with that pregnancy