Thanks, Gwen, for putting up such a cute announcement!
After a whirlwind Monday and Tuesday, Kate is here. I’ll post our birth story once I can get through writing it. It should be no surprise to anyone that, again, I managed to break all expectations and have drama in the experience. Maybe, someday, something I do will be “normal.” Until then, there will always be a story. The bottom line is that we (unknowingly) started with a dangerous, complicated situation and through good choices and instinct, turned it into a highly positive experience and outcome. (In contrast to Will’s birth, where we started with a healthy, normal situation and allowed poor policies and practices to speak against our instinct and turn a good situation into a fairly negative outcome.) We are happy, Kate is very healthy and nursing well. And she is beautiful!!
This is a test. The details of the birth will be here shortly!
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