{ 2006 05 09 }
Thaw before reheating.
{ 2006 05 09 }
Posted by holly on Tuesday, May 9th, 2006, at 10:21 am, and filed under Uncategorized.
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Regular dishes on life in New Orleans, historic home renovation, raising kids, completing a PhD, travel near and far, global concerns, and health issues.
You know the story, right? International health... work all over the place... drag my kids around in sacks through villages in Central America... yadda yadda. I decided to go for another degree, so in 2004 we moved to New Orleans with no intention of staying. Then Katrina. And then *blink*blink* New Orleans is a completely different place and we just can't leave. Suddenly I'm on TV talking about immigrants and health and Paul is starting a company. Or two. His side is high-tech, mine is community health and our lives are yearly evacuation, regular celebrations, and nonstop work here, there, and everywhere. Our door is always open. I only ask that if you decide to go ahead and make yourself that mint julep, you make one for me, too.
We strive to make our life our argument.
Nana | 09-May-06 at 11:37 am | Permalink
Wonderful and joyous news. I waited all through the night after Paul’s call that you were off to Pensacola. Please give her a hug and kiss from Nana and tell her that I cannot wait to meet her.
eli | 09-May-06 at 11:41 am | Permalink
Welcome to the World Miss Kate!
Congratulations Holly! Can’t wait to meet her.
Hugs and Kisses
Matt and Laura | 09-May-06 at 12:55 pm | Permalink
Hello baby Kate! You are going to love your family and they are going to love YOU! Matt and Laura
Anonymous | 09-May-06 at 12:59 pm | Permalink
BIENVENIDOS!!!!! So thrilled to welcome baby Kate! And she was born on Mike’s birthday!!!! Hope that all is well and can’t wait to see pictures!!!! xoxoxo, Elizabeth, Mike, and Elijah
Anonymous | 09-May-06 at 1:00 pm | Permalink
CONGRATS TO YOU ALL! What wonderful news. Can’t wait to see photos of the new little munchkin. Hopefully the labor/delivery was a wonderful experience.
Incidentally, my best friend from childhood (Tracy) is due TODAY and is planning on a home birth. No word from her yet, but glad one of my pregger friends finally had her baby!!
Anonymous | 09-May-06 at 1:01 pm | Permalink
oops…forgot my name!
Violet | 09-May-06 at 1:37 pm | Permalink
FANTASTIC!!! Welcome, welcome, welcome!!! Can’t wait for the full report.
Melanie | 09-May-06 at 3:03 pm | Permalink
I can’t wait to see the pictures of your darling little girl. =)
Much love to you all!
julie | 09-May-06 at 3:35 pm | Permalink
I’ve been in meetings all day and am just now seeing the big news!!! Welcome to our newest, squeaky clean, healthy, little bird.
Much love to the whole family, and post those pics SOON!
xoxo julie
randy | 09-May-06 at 3:52 pm | Permalink
Congratulations, I guess this means I really need to pack up her care package!
Aunt Amy | 09-May-06 at 4:30 pm | Permalink
Tuesday’s child is full of grace…and look at all the other great women born on a Tuesday (hint: her initals are H.A.S.!!!). I am so happy for you all and can’t wait to see pictures. Has Will met his Little Sister yet? Love to everyone, Aunt Amy
Plastic Mile | 09-May-06 at 10:32 pm | Permalink
West Coast calling … congrats on the birth of Baby Kate. Best of health to mother and child, will have a stiff drink for the father. Does the kid have an agent yet? Let’s do lunch.
Anonymous | 10-May-06 at 5:34 am | Permalink
Congrats! from the Tulane contingency. We can’t wait to gush over Kate when you bring her round Tidewater…or when you get back to NOLA. Keep us updated. Hugs to Will. 8 lbs 6 ozs! You grow ’em big! How did she get hatched?
A nap will be taken in your honor. Who am I kidding!? Comps are in a month. Can you take a nap for me? 🙂
Anonymous | 10-May-06 at 5:35 am | Permalink
You probably guessed, but that last post was from LAM.
Anonymous | 10-May-06 at 7:10 am | Permalink
Congrats, Holly!
We’re very happy for you. Can’t wait to see pictures.
Anonymous | 10-May-06 at 10:02 am | Permalink
Congratulations! We can’t wait to see pictures. Hope the whole family recovering well today from an active Tuesday!
Jodi & Adam (and baby burke)
Anonymous | 10-May-06 at 10:26 am | Permalink
Congrats Holly, Paul, and Will!!! AND, welcome to the world baby Kate!!! I can’t wait to see pictures:-)