Update: 11:45am

I ate Paul’s perfect egg and toast and that was enough to stop my tummy rumbling and I went to sleep. It was an up and down (ie: normal) sleep and I feel better rested, but still tired. At around 10:30, I woke up to really strong cramping and it took awhile to get out of bed. Once out, I took a shower, relaxed, and did a mini assessment of the situation: still contracting, somewhat regularly, but not necessarily hugely intense on a regular basis. I want to swim in the tub outside, but it’s rainy this morning and very humid. Instead, we went on a walk around the neighborhood — walking definitely works — and came back for bathroom and lunch. I think after lunch we’ll rest a little more and keep up the walking.

So far, I feel really good. For the most part, the contractions feel just like a muscle contraction, except over more surface area. When I feel rested, I like the sensation — it feels like a wonderful energy surge or power play (like a body builder flexing — I feel like a fighter!) When I’m tired or in a poor position, it is uncomfortable. I’m not really interested in talking anymore when I’m experiencing one, but I can walk through them and like the way it feels when I do — it sort of increases the intensity and feels good, like walking off a cramp when you’re running.

Few labors steadily progress and mine is definitely not a steady progression… it ebbs and flows and does not really have regularity (yet). I do really hope that this keeps up. I like the feeling that this could be the start of a Birthday!