Restless night… could no longer sleep after about 4am. I finally woke up Paul around 4:30. My contractions are roughly 30-40 seconds long and go about every 8 minutes or so. We tried to go back to sleep, but I really felt like eating (tummy wasn’t letting me rest) so Paul is making an egg and toast. It’s about quarter to 6 now. So maybe Kate will be a Sunday baby!
So, if you’re reading this Sunday morning/afternoon, say a prayer, light a candle, dance a gig, make a chant… whatever you can do to send positive thoughts our way!
Paul | 07-May-06 at 8:24 am | Permalink
A quick update. Things seems to have slowed down a little. Holly has managed to sleep most of the morning and is still resting. When she wakes up, we’re going to try to get her in the shower or spa tub and see if things start moving along again.