Baby Check-in

Today is 36 weeks and 3 days. My body is definitely showing signs of labor preparation.

– Energy. I’m tired. Exhausted, really. Completely and totally wiped out. (And a bit cranky.)
– Kate’s Position. I think she’s dropped. There is a ton of pressure in my pelvis and a few times a day I wonder if she’s going to stick a hand out of my butt to wave to the world.
– Heartburn. Still some heartburn, particularly in the evening.
– Cramps. Fairly frequent, but very irregular Braxton-Hicks. (I’m really surprised that these bother folks so much. I find them very mild and go away quickly with a little bit of movement.)
– Food. All food seems bland and un-interesting.
– Mood. Tired, overwhelmed, mildly excited about meeting the baby but hoping that she’ll wait until Paul gets more stuff done around the house!