On Sunday, Andrea and Leigh Ann, two of my friends from our PhD cohort, held a baby shower for Baby Kate and I! Eva, Hongyun, and Gina rounded out our department and were joined by my Mom, Aunt Sandy (long-time family friend) and Will. Andrea and Leigh Ann decorated Andrea’s apartment with baby clothes that included my Mom’s christening gown (which I also wore), a baby sundress of mine, and one of Will’s newborn jumpers. We decorated onesies and socks with fabric paints (fun!), opened generous presents filled with beautiful baby girl clothes and accessories, ate strawberry shortcake, and enjoyed Will’s entertainment. (Baby Kate also brought him presents, compliments of Aunt Sandy and my Mom!) It was wonderful fun and we are now very well stocked in baby clothes for Kate — hooray! (photos below compliments of Hongyun!)
{ 2006 04 10 }
Gwen | 12-Apr-06 at 1:16 pm | Permalink
hoooray for bumbo seats!
Holly | 12-Apr-06 at 3:01 pm | Permalink
Who knew it’d be a hit with a 2-year old? We’ve had to pack it up and hide it… he was getting pretty attached to using “Will’s seat” as a jungle gym and is big enough to almost get stuck when he sits in it. (Thankfully, Kate was kind enough to remember to bring Will some presents at the shower — compliments of my Aunt Sandy and my Mom — so he’s not too stressed out by all the things arriving for “Baby Kate.”)