Double Yolk Day!

I knew things were on the mend when Paul announced that one of the eggs he used to make our egg-n-cheese bagel this morning came out with a double yolk. My Grandmothers held the mysterious double yolk as an incredible sign of good luck and I am not one to doubt it.

– We called the car rental agency and they offered to exchange the car and upgrade us for free. But it turns out we don’t need to do this, because…

– The dealership called. Everything is under warranty. We did nothing wrong; it’s a design flaw. Extra points: because the dealership was confident in us as car owners based on our previous history, they pre-ordered the parts and are doing the work today. The car will be ready tomorrow.

– SAIC has a private investigator, in addition to the government secret service investigation, working on our identity theft case. No knew news on the situation with the suspect, but it sounds like they’ve got their man. They’ve signed us up and have offered to pay indefinitely for a fraud detection service for our accounts. Hooray!

– Our department administrator offered to personally oversea my tuition waiver from the summer, check the numbers, and get back to me with it all when it is figured out so I don’t have to continue to go crazy chasing the random incorrect bills.

– Paul left a message for Will’s old daycare (University Montessori) and we are hopeful for good news (ie: they will take him again!) later this afternoon.

– I made egg salad for lunch (after making a great rice and fresh vegetable bake last night) and Paul is running to Whole Foods for fresh bread. He simply walked out the door in his slippers… one of the coolest things about living here that we will truly miss!

– I feel better today, although I am still alternating hot and cold, carrying a cough, and sounding horse. But it is getting better.

– No word on the FSA situation, but Paul did send through another ‘ping’ this morning.

– Will and I went over to the neighborhood Steinmart this morning and I successfully found two bras to fit my current new cup size. (This never happens — bra shopping is usually awful!) I went up a chest and cup size with Will, and now another cup size with this pregnancy. Watch out world… it’s a DD.