
Location: Paul picked us all up yesterday and brought us home to NOLA… including cats, Will, Paul’s computer, and as much luggage as you can cram in a PT cruiser (we call it the Pay-Tay).

Me: Still sick, but seem to be getting better or at least not getting worse. The sad fact that pregnant women take three times longer to beat viruses truly sucks.

Our car: No update, yet. We should hear something today about the rain test simulation.

ID theft: There is a suspect, a disgruntled ex-SAIC employee with ties to HR. Because of the nature of the work SAIC does and the type of data compromised, the guy is being hunted for espionage. So things are looking good on that front.

Fun surprises: A huge pile of Christmas, birthday, Valentines and other fun surprises awaited us at home. Including a Halloween book sent by Aunt Deb and Uncle Gary for Will back in October! (Finally, the post system seems to be getting to a bit of the backlog!)

Sad things: NOLA looks bad. I’m beginning to question the decision to have Mardi Gras — for two reasons. One is that the 3+ million to put it on seems silly when the city is in such shambles and I question whether the city will really see the revenue that the party usually pulls in. The second, and more pressing, is that I think it gives the wrong idea. The situation here is so dire, so severe, and so forgotten that I think putting on a party gives the impression that we’re past the worst and on to better, which is quite far from the truth.

All else: Will wait until after the holiday.