Paul, driving the smoky (ugh) PT cruiser rented for us by VW, arrived in NOLA around 10:30 last night.
And found that we’ve been victims of identity theft. Apparently, there was some sort of mess up in his company (SAIC) that compromised several employees out of the DC office. Guess who was among them??? So, someone managed to get Paul’s information — and although both his first and last names are spelled incorrectly — acquired charge cards and went to town at a Target in North Carolina to a tune in the four digits.
To sum up:
– I’m still sick, sick, sick.
– We’re victims of identity theft (compliments of SAIC).
– We’re still being denied access to our FSA dollars (again, compliments of SAIC).
– Our car is dead. Warranty, although assumed, has not been verified.
– We’ve got a rental car, under assumed warranty, that smells like a damn ashtray.
– Tulane *still* hasn’t correctly processed my tuition waiver from last summer.
– Regionsbank (our mortgage holder) screwed up our early mortgage payment (again) which means we have to bug them about fixing it, removing the late fees, and re-issuing our tax forms from last year.
The good news:
– My parents are healthy and wonderful. They have both risen to the occassion and are helping us out immensely with Will and however else they can (use of vehicles, etc.)
– Paul is somehow still sane. And he managed to salvage his work and our quicken files from the dead hard-drive and will be able to get back to normal work soon.
– We have a wonderful contact at Regions and feel confident we can fix that problem without too much headache.
– Our house in NOLA was watched carefully by attentive neighbors and kept with loving care by friends Alex, Carol, and Leigh Anne, to whom we are very thankful.
Melanie | 19-Feb-06 at 10:44 pm | Permalink
Oh. My. God.
I am so sorry you guys are going through this.
Holly | 20-Feb-06 at 6:53 pm | Permalink
Doesn’t it just sound like something out of the movies?!?
Here’s the update: a secret service guy and a private investigator are looking into it now. And SAIC has offered to, indefinitely, pay for a special fraud “watch” service on our accounts to make up for the breech. Pretty nifty, huh? (Now if they’ll just give us access to our FSA money!)
Anonymous | 22-Feb-06 at 12:39 pm | Permalink
Unbelievable. How is it possible that so many things can happen at once? Most other people would have crumbled into a billion pieces by now, but you remain steady. You know what it is? Inspiring. Welcome back from Lima. I’ll look forward to hearing more about the next steps.
Amy K