Some questions from Eli made me review my pregnancy calendar(s) and re-connect with this pregnancy a bit. I thought I was 27 weeks this week; really, I’m 26. Out of 5 online pregnancy calendars, my due dates were May 4, 5, 6, 6, and 7. So I’ll go with the mode: May 6th. I feel that if the baby decides to be “early,” she’ll be born on April 29th (my mother’s birthday) and if she wants to be “on time” she’ll be born May 5th (Paul’s birthday). (I put the time-related words in quotation because really, any of those dates are fine… our ability to predict gestation by date is limited and shouldn’t be rigidly followed as gospel.)
Any guesses on when this kid will introduce herself to the world?
So, week 26. Here is what I’ve got going on:
– I’m growing a baby that: weighs just under 2 pounds, can open and close her eyes, kicks like a maniac at all hours, can suck her thumb, and is firmly planted on my bladder.
– My 26 week tummy is *significantly* larger than any of these women. (What can I say? I’m short. There isn’t a lot of torso room. I simply have to stretch.)
Saturday will be my first day of the third trimester. (This may have been my problem, I was remembering week 28 at the start of third trimester, but the calendars reminded me that it actually starts at 27.) I am definitely feeling like I’m starting the third trimester. I feel good… but am more tired, finding it more difficult to sleep without belly and leg support, starting to waddle… typical pregnancy stuff!
Violet | 31-Jan-06 at 6:14 pm | Permalink
I vote for May 6, Jessi’s birthday. Then we’ll have you and Dom on January 6, and baby and Jess on May 6!!!