Sunday Craziness

Paul is sick. He was acting lethargic and funny this morning, but still got his work clothes on to continue working on the outside plumbing (he repaired the back faucet yesterday and today, was going to tap into the main line to install a faucet to the side of the house to make it easier to wind/unwind the hose for watering the front yard.) Finally, he gave in and went to bed. He has a temp (100.9 at last check) and I gave him Tylenol to bring it down.

Will is currently napping. He seems fine. He was very “helpful” (read: into *everything*) as I started to tackle projects this morning. These projects include:

– Cleaning out back bathroom/laundry room.
– Organizing cleaning supplies.
– Organizing supplies in laundry/bathroom.
– Doing laundry
– Moving storage shelves to our bathroom
– Organizing and moving Paul’s tools to proper locations
– Going through clothes in guest room closet. Packing to store what stays, gathering other for donation.
– Packing up Will’s closet.
– Organizing our back bathroom with storage shelves for tools and Paul’s housework supplies.

It’s really a several person job over several days. I’m doing pretty well so far (back bathroom/laundry is looking so much better, etc.) but I need some help! I hate that Paul is sick and hope he feels back to normal ASAP!