Prenatal Check-up

The stats:

BP: 104/60
Weight gain: zero! (we’re trying to hold weight since I started the pregnancy with more weight than desired)
Baby’s heart rate: ~150
My diet: very good, getting well over 80 grams of protein daily. Need to keep fat intake less than 30% of calories

Other stuff:
Signed off on NOT doing alpha feta protein test
Arranged for 20 week ultrasound right before Christmas (and before Peru)
Placenta is on the front of my uterus… need to make sure that it didn’t attach to my scar. Hopefully, the uterine muscle will have stretched enough by 20 weeks to tell. Otherwise, we’ll have to do another ultrasound in early March to be sure.
Enjoyed wonderful early dinner at Petrella’s Italian restaurant — a tiny local joint in the strip mall across the street from the Birth Center.