Up Again

You can set a clock by Will. No matter what time he goes to bed at night, he’s up between 6 and 6:30. Unfortunately, his clock does not re-set well with random changes of time.

So, at 5:12 this morning, who should awake, bright and happy? Will, of course! It’s still dark out and raining (finally, it hasn’t rained here since the storm… serious dust issues in the city air). I decided that we should keep him in bed until at least 6. The lesson is that when it is dark, it is not time to get up. It’s not working too well, at least yet. He’s in there calling things out at the top of his lungs, trying out a wide range of words to see what will work to get us to come into his room: “Mommy, Daddy, Inky, Eat, Down, Hungry, Toys, Poo-Poo…”