Everything seems to be off today. Our entire lives seems to be off today.
– I officially started tossing cookies yesterday. Today hasn’t been too much better.
– Paul dropped Will off at Day Care, only to have them call us 2 hours later (with poor Will heaving and sobbing in the background) to say that he’s been inconsoliable basically the whole time. He’s home now and we’re not exactly sure what to do.
– Tulane is top on my list of disappointment. Doctoral students got a blanket academic “non-response” about our concerns. We were told that comps needed to be proctored (which I think is a bit silly) and that they don’t have any funds to support doctoral students in conferences. (Not that those funds had been redirected due to the crisis, or that funds had been frozen, etc… that point blank: they don’t do it. I have a *very* hard time with believing that a department which hosts open bar parties at a bar on Bourbon Street *twice* a term for students isn’t able to put away a few hundred dollars to help their doctoral students present their work. Most Universities brag about where there students present their work. Tulane doesn’t seem to care less.) This information came to me through a group email — not as a response to the individual message I sent days before our group message went out.
– I keep coming back to the idea of violence as my core disseration focus… which makes me wonder why the hell I left Michigan. Granted, I need the support of family nearby — and no one comes to visit or help you when you live in Michigan. But damn, the University supports (and is actually proud of) their doctoral students, and has a fabulous center for violence studies that includes some global health elements. I wanted a global health program and I thought I’d made the right choice… but sacrificed a program that invested in its students to one that basically doesn’t give a rat’s ass.
– What to do???
Today is a rough day.
Evie, Bethany, & Scott | 16-Sep-05 at 9:32 am | Permalink
I hope things will begin to look up for you soon. Hey, it sounds like U of M is not too bad.