Our neighbor, Walt, was kind enough to flash his doctor-ID and check out our place! His report: no catastrophic damage! In fact, aside from the huge mess we left in our packing haste, no real mess to report. Even our fridge (which he kindly cleaned out) was without rank odor. (A surprise perk of vegetarianism.) He noticed some yard damage (neighbor’s fence down) and other little things, but on the whole, a very, very good report.
It is too unbelieveable to think that we got through this relatively unscathed. There are a few known issues that require additional investigation that we want to check out once we can get back (the slow leak in the back addition roof, water blow into the eaves, wet insulation in the attic, etc.) But the bottom line is: we have a house, it has a solid roof, and there is no obvious damage preventing us from living there, eventually.
Can you hear our huge sigh of relief?
Matt and Laura | 08-Sep-05 at 10:39 am | Permalink
Great, GREAT news to hear!