August 2005

Door Update

We’re still on side one… we are guessing it will take about a week a side. (8 weeks… yikes!) You can see in the picture how well the stripper works. Unfortunately, it takes a lot of hand work and re-application to get the deeper groves and wood detailing. Posted by Picasa


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Paul is 2-2 on attracting the sting of strange insects in our neighborhood. This little critter got trapped under his Teva sandal strap on tonight’s walk (ouch). He described it as much more immediately painful than the sting of the buck moth caterpillar earlier this spring. We’re not sure if it’s an ant or spider. I emailed the Bugdoctor, hopefully they can help us out on this one. Any ideas on what it could be? Posted by Picasa


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Will’s Songs

Parents make up funny tunes to sing to their kids. Here are some of ours:

Cuddling/playtime song:
Monkey feet and monkey toes!
That’s what little William knows
Monkey feet and monkey toes!
Touching little William’s nose!

To change a diaper:
Did you make a poopie?
Is it soft and goupy?
Smell ‘ll make you loopy?
Should we name it Snoopy?

When looking for Will’s pants, or trying to put them one once they’re found:
Covers your ca-jones!

While stroking his cheek — to the tune of Brother John:
Will is sleepy, Will is sleepy
Tiny boy! Tiny boy!
Mommy loves him so much.
Daddy loves him so much.
Little man. Little man.


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Close up of the test patch. The stripper is taking off the stain as well, so we’ll be down to bare wood. We’ll have to decide then how to proceed with treating it. Posted by Picasa


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The stage

We moved the guest room bed to the side, put up sawhorses, and made the stage for stripping. This is the test patch started last night. It cured overnight, so we’re not sure exactly how long it needs (we’re hoping less than the 10 hours it got last night!) Posted by Picasa


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Will the handyman

Will, ever the observant and helpful boy, noticed the subtle changes in the house and decided to give some construction help. Here is he, getting his hammer to do some work. The following pictures charts his ‘helpful’ adventures with the hammer. Some explanation of the hammer… think ‘Roger Rabbit’ — it honks, beeps, boings, and whistles whenever you weld it through the air or land on anything. Too bad the sound effects aren’t available with the pictures… this was really hysterical…Posted by Picasa


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What do I fix first?

What do I fix first? Posted by Picasa


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How about the cat?

Surely, he’s broken. All he does is sleep. Posted by Picasa


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How about my chair?

How about my chair? Maybe it could use some fixin’ up? Posted by Picasa


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What about these holes in the walls?

What is this paper doing covering up the holes where the doors used to be? Let me use my hammer and help! Posted by Picasa


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