Warning: Will is getting to the age of potty training. This blog will therefore have periodic posts of the more off-color variety reflecting this life stage. Those unaccustomed to the reality of child-rearing should take caution.
So I’ve mentioned that Will has begun to tell us when he has made a poopie. (Also referred to as “poo-poo” which is the term used by our Salvadorean nanny, Margarita.) We’ve also noticed the timing of his bowel movements are starting to follow patterns: one of which occurs right around shower time… often *during* shower time. (It’s not nearly as traumatic as it sounds. And yes, we scour afterwards.)
Tonight, as Paul prepared Will for a shower (as we have no tub, the routine is that I get in the shower, Paul brings Will to me, I wash Will and give him to back Paul, who dresses him) Paul noticed that Will was showing signs of trying to have a bowel movement, and told him so. Paul got very excited, brought Will into the bathroom, and put him on the toilet. (I’m beside them in the shower.) Will was definitely trying to do something, but it was clear he really didn’t know what to do. We encouraged him (“Poo-poo, Will, you can do it!”) cheered him on (“Push it out! Push it out! Way out!”) and generally tried to make him feel at home there on the throne. He had a good time, swung his legs, talked animatedly to us, blew kisses, and chorused back “poo poo! poo poo!” many times. But alas, nothing more happened. After a few minutes, we decided it was enough for a first time experiment. Into the shower he went.
Where he promptly pooped.
Matt and Laura | 04-Aug-05 at 1:09 pm | Permalink
Ahh. The days when people actually cheer you on to “poo”! It will never be the same!