Time Out 101

How we conduct Time Out. (As guided by Doc Spock.)

1. We told Will about Time Out.
2. We give a warning*.
3. When he does said offense a second time, we:
4. Pick him up and carry him to a chair, facing the corner.
5. Start the red timer at 2 minutes.
6. Hold him in our laps** until the buzzer goes off.
7. Explain why he was in Time Out, and end with a hug and kiss.

*Warning = “If you dump the cats’ water bowl over again/If you pull the safety guards off the cabinets again/If you play in the water cooler again… you will sit in Time Out.” These are really his only offenses, so currently, Time Out is only over these things.
He’s too little to stay in a chair by himself, the hold in the lap techique is a Doc Spock move.