Sunrise, sunset
At 19 months, Will can do and say so many things. I am surprised by him everday. Here are some recent examples:
– There’s no more cherries on his plate. Will looks up and says, “All gone.”
– We’re in the garage. He sees his beach toys up on a shelf. He quietly walks over, and silently points to the big bucket of beach toys. We say, “Will, do you want to play with your beach toys?” Will slowly gets a big grin and says “Si!”
– Skip and Emily’s cat, Sebsastian, quickly runs and hides after letting Will pet him. Will is surprised by this and with wide eyes, looks at us with his hands outstrenched and palms up. He shrugs and says “Where’s Gato?”
– Will jumps out of my arms and runs over to Skip and Emily’s room very early in the morning while they are still asleep. He screams out “MOMM-MEE!” to make sure I’m right behind him and then turns to me, puts his finger to his lips and says “Shhhh!”
– While standing in the shallow areas of the pool, he bends at his knees to blow bubbles in the water. Sometimes he’ll get water in his mouth and then pretend to come in close to your cheek to kiss you. Just as you think you’re about to feel a kiss, he squirts the water on your cheek.
– Jumps into my arms, pats my back in a big bear hug, and says “Mom-mee.”