May 2005

What NOT to show the insurance company.

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Inside view. We took this picture seconds after Paul put in the last screw… we were so excited we couldn’t help ourselves. The white trim is the only thing painted in the room (hence the fuzzy looking edges). We haven’t decided what color to paint the room yet (nor have we mustered up the energy to tackle the 12-foot ceilings and install the crown) — but we definitely want to paint over the dirty beige oil paint that now covers everything.

Our first afternoon with shutters was amazing. The temperature was much lower in the front room — not having that incredibly strong sun in the front room made a huge difference! Great job Paul! Posted by Hello


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SHUTTERS! (Outside view)

I was eager to see what they looked like outside. In this picture, Paul is still working on them (you can see him in the right side window). Posted by Hello


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Where is Will’s oatmeal belly?

Will ate a huge bowl of oatmeal this morning. So after breakfast, we asked: “Will, how did you put all that oatmeal in your belly?!” This conversation involved a lot of Will peeking under his shirt to see his belly. Here is he showing us his “Oatmeal Belly.”Posted by Hello


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Weekend Events

My Mom (Granna) came this weekend to help us through a very busy time.

Paul has been working lots of hours so he won’t have to use so much vacation time next week. (We leave Tuesday for Michigan, where I have a conference. From there, we leave Friday morning for DC, to attend Kevin and Amy’s (Paul’s sister) wedding in Fredricksburg, Virginia.

So, Mom and I have spent a lot of time this weekend preparing for the trip. Finding clothes, figuring out what Will, Paul, and I are going to wear, making sure things fit everyone, etc. Never in a thousand years would I have thought this would take so much effort! Mom even gave me a crash course in make-up (I haven’t bought anything besides mascara and powder in over 5 years.)

And in the middle of all of this, I am still trying to finish up classes! I may get by with only one incomplete (Econometrics — difficult data analysis/Stata/regression class)… if I can finish and turn in a paper for another class (Nutrition Analysis). I’m doing my best and must give myself kudos considering I’ve finished two other classes on time after being out for three weeks, but there is still a lot to do and my days of all nighters are long gone. Two incompletes could be the reality… darn that pneumonia bacteria!!


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Swing Time

Me and Will, swinging on the porch, Saturday May 14th Posted by Hello


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Hey Dad…

… Look! I have a bucket on my head! Posted by Hello


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Two buckets, one Baby, and one Mommy

Paul takes pictures of Will and I at play. Here, Will is trying to eat a smaller, red bucket, while I put the bigger, orange bucket on his head. Posted by Hello


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Bucket Playtime

Crazy bucket-head playtime with me! Posted by Hello


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Return of Bucket Head

My Mom and I went to the Algier’s Point PX (on the BRAC list) and got A LOT of beach toys. We got two very large beach buckets and divided the boats, shovels, pails, and castles between our Will and friend William — who is the son of one of my peers in the PhD program and is turning 4 today! We packed up one of the large baskets for William (keeping a little bucket for his sister, Greta, too!) and the other basket for Will. Will had a *great* time testing all of the toys and in no time remembered one of his favorite games, bucket head!


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