
Will has been blowing kisses for a few weeks now (our favorite party trick). In the past two days, he’s expanded on this with kisses right on the mouth. He leans his little head in and just plants one right on your lips. In the past, he’s put his little face up and kissed ME on the mouth on occassion, but he’s doing it a lot now, and to more than just me. He also grabs a hand a gives kisses on the hand. (We think he learned this from his “girlfriend”, Emily, from across the street. They play almost everyday. While Will learned to blow kisses, Emily learned to give kisses on hands… it is adorable watching them do this back and forth to each other.)

The best part of his new pucker-up kisses is that he makes the “mmmmmm-mmmhh… smack!” sound.

My little lovey boy!!