He asked Emily on New Year’s eve and (to great delight to us all) SAID YES!!

The irony is that Christie, Steph, and I (and Steph’s mom, who was visiting) had all worked hard over dinner planning the perfect proposal for them. (We did this while we were visiting at Christie’s house in Raleigh last week.) Maybe we’ll have to use those plans for the wedding. I’m sure Emily, the Boy, and Emily’s family will allow a birds’ takeover of their wedding.

Their current plans include buying a house in June and getting married later in the summer (maybe August)? I realize that hearing about the Boy getting married AND buying a house in one sitting is a lot to take in. But it’s all true! Yeah, Boy! Yeah, Emily!!

We are SOOOO happy!!!!!!!!!!!!! And we need a beautiful engagement photo to archive here (ahem, Boy…?)