December 2004


Originally uploaded by hollyscheib.

Could Will be ready for Mardi Gras 20 years early?


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Will posing for the camera!

Will posing for the camera!
Originally uploaded by hollyscheib.

What a little ham — posing for his photo shoot on Granna’s bed and EVEN pointing his toes!


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The Nacirema Ethnography

A little gem of an article:


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Uh-ho for Daddy!

This is how Paul told it to me, over the phone while I drove back from class:

Paul: “Do you want the good news or the bad news?”

Me: “Bad news first.”

Paul: “The bleeding stopped.”

Me: (after swallowing my heart back into my chest) “WHAT?!”

Paul: “It’s okay. The good news is that it was me, not Will.”

This is what happened: Paul was being his usual super-dad self and playing with Will: zerbers, laughter, belly tickles, etc. In the excitement, a squealing-with-delight Will stuck his finger up Paul’s nose…. HARD. Hard and deep enough to rupture something, causing a sudden and quite severe nose bleed!! Paul said he felt awful having to run to the sink and wait for the bleeding to somewhat subside (poor Will had no idea why Daddy had to run away so fast and was alarmed). Finale to the story is that they both are fine, with the exception of Daddy producing some interesting kleenex for the rest of the night. (Personally, I am a bit worried about Paul and want to keep an eye on this to make sure it heals okay!)

Maybe parenting is a hazard to your health after all!


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