
I’m back at my Mom and Dad’s for a few days. Will and I have been here more in the past 2 weeks than we have been in our own home. Why? FREE CHILDCARE.

And so I rant.

The situation for childcare is disgraceful, ridiculous, and disappointing. As if women have any other choice BUT to stay home with their children! We have no options. (Heaven forbid we act like a civilized society and offer flexible work schedules, a reasonable work week, fair pay, good vacation, and have universal health care that doesn’t depend on a privileged type of employment.)

All we want is 20-25 hours a week. Not full-time. And it doesn’t exist!! The $10/hour we pay Margarita (our spanish-speaking Salvadorean grandmother), even if she does make us tortillas and clean while Will naps, is too much for us to use more than a few hours a week. What is a family to do? We need HELP.

I wish my parents lived next door!