Last night, Paul’s parents flew in from North Carolina. They are spending the weekend here to celebrate Will’s birthday.
Will has been a delight. He is working on saying words (“Ma-Ma” is still his best, and he definitely seems to associate it with me). Other words he seems to be trying to say are “Gato” (“cat” in spanish… one of our babysitters only speaks spanish) and “Thank You.” “Uh-oh” is another bit in his vocabulary — and he correcty says it when he does things like drop his sippy cup on the floor.
They are so enthralled with him and entertained by his little faces, laughter, and constant curiousity.
The five of us (mom and dad, Paul, Will, and I) all went on a long walk through Aubudon Park this morning. I took lots of pictures with our new SLR digital camera (wow — what an amazing camera!!!) and Will enjoyed being carried a good bit of the way by Grandpap George and riding the stroller the rest of the time. It was a beautiful morning and has been a beautiful New Orleans day — low humidity, warm, some sun. A great November day!
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