Will is going to be ONE YEAR old on Sunday. It is all very overwhelming.
He has recently hit a much-anticipated growth spurt. It is amazing how much bigger he looks and feels. It is so hard to see him grow — you want it to happen, but it still hurts all the same. It is exciting to buy new clothes in the next size, but bittersweet to put away the ones that are too small.
He is waving so sweetly now. And saying “Mama”. And lots of other sounds. He does seem to copy our sounds — the new exciting one is “Ga” for “Gato”. He has four teeth on top and 2 on bottom… with one more on the bottom right coming through. (With all the teeth up top, he’s like a little vampire!!) He is getting closer and closer to walking each day, but still wants to be held and “toted” everywhere.
He is so much fun. There is just so much to love about him. I understand so much in the world better now — having a child, raising a child, loving a child — these are life changing and incredibly maturing events. Nothing can prepare you for it, nothing compares to it. It adds a richness and dimension that is so unexpected that you can’t anticipate or predict it. I think it is like discovering another way that your heart and soul can love — it’s falling in love but in surprising, heart-won ways.
I make this blog to help document Will’s early days. I hope someday he can look back on it and realize how much time and thought his mom (and really, his whole family) put into everything about his life. How much we treasure every moment and work through the tough spots together.
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